Perfect Dog Beds
Our dogs are our best friends. When it comes to our poochie pals we will do almost anything to keep them warm, comfortable and content.
This is why choosing the right dog bed is so important.
Choosing a Dog Bed
Your dog bed should suit your dogs size with the design and even the materials used.
This can make finding the right bed start to seem like a daunting task but it doesn’t need to be.
Dog Bed Sizes
There are almost as many types of dog bed as there are dog breeds! Although this is for good reason.
Dog breeds vary and even the same breed can have different sizes, shapes and different needs.
Small Dogs
Perfect dog beds for our small companions.
Medium Dogs
Our larger furry friends need a bit more room!
Large Dogs
The biggest of all will need some serious space.
How to choose the perfect bed.
Luckily this is far easier than you think! Choosing your dog’s bed doesn’t need to be a difficult process but there are a few things to consider such as:
● What size of of dog bed is required?
● What materials should the bed be made from?
● What height of bed does the dog need?
● Where will you be putting your dog bed?
● What type of dog bed would be best?
● What are your dog’s individual needs?
For further information on how to pick your pups ideal dog bed then keep reading.
What Are My Dogs Needs?
Understand what your dog needs and get the best bed for them.
This is one of the trickier questions to answer as it is very dependent on your dog, its breed and medical history.
If you are looking for a bed for a young puppy then this isn’t too difficult. Find a nice fluffy bed that they can feel cosy and safe in and you can’t go too far wrong!
Dogs, especially younger pups love feeling secure and safe as well as being close to their owners. Also consider if you are getting a rescue dog what the dog’s history is.
Difficulties start to arise when it comes to medical issues and the age of the dog.
If you have an older dog with arthiritis then avoid beds that have a step. You will also want to consider whether their bed will offer their joints the right type of support.
So with this in mind here are a few questions to ask yourself before looking for the perfect bed.
● How old is my dog?
● Does the breed suffer from joint issues or any other joint and muscular problems? Is there a bed to help support any treatment?
● Does my dog like to curl up or lay flat out when sleeping?
● Where does my dog like to sleep? On the floor or the bed? Or by a window or curled up somewhere cosy?
● Do they suffer from the heat or cold?
● Do I travel a lot with my dog and need a portable bed?
Next stage is to think about how many beds you need.
How many dog beds should my dog have?
Ideally, your dog will have access to more than one bed, at least one for each space in the house they tend to occupy.
Consider a dog bed for:
- the living room
- another for the room they sleep in
- the car
- your bedroom to encourage them to not sleep on your bed
- outdoor spaces so your pup can enjoy lazing in the sun in comfort
You want your precious pup to be as comfortable as possible. Getting more than one bed means they can really relax wherever they may decide to rest their furry head.
Now you have an idea of what might be a good dog bed, consider the type of bed.
The Type of Dog Bed
An almost bewildering array of beds are available.
Flat Beds or Flat Pads
These are perfect if your dog is crate trained as they provide a comfortable mat for them to lie on.
Cuddle Oval Shaped Bowl Beds
These beds are the most common. They come as a hard shell for you to add blankets to or they can be made from fabric and stuffed for comfort.
Orthopedic Dog Beds
These are made from medical grade materials and are made to higher specifications
Nest Style Beds
These are perfect if your dog is crate trained as they provide a comfortable mat for them to lie on.
Cot Beds
These are beds that are raised off the ground. They are perfect for arthritic dogs who find it uncomfortable to lie on the floor. They help to distribute the dogs weight evenly which can also help their joints.
All Dog Beds
There are many other dog beds available in different materials.
Take a look!
Dog Bed Material
An extra consideration when it comes to choosing the type of dog bed is the materials used. Dog beds come in a huge variety of materials. Fluffy beds that are cosy or easily washed canvas materials – and lots more besides!
Consider your dog, their preferences and their breed when buying a dog bed and you shouldn’t go too far wrong. If they suffer from the cold then you can get them a warm and fluffy bed and consider a heated bed too! You can also get cooling mats if your dog suffers from the opposite problem and tends to over heat
Dog bed Sizes
The most common consideration and one of the most important to consider is your dog bed size!
Some dogs like rescue dogs like to feel secure in their bed. A bed too large will feel like a wide open space to them and they may not be able to settle down. A bed that is too small will be uncomfortable for your puppy if they are on the larger side.
Dog beds tend to come in three most common sizes, small, medium and large.
This is generally more than enough for you to choose the perfect size dog bed. You want to ensure that your dog fits into or onto the bed with no limbs falling off the side. They need to get their head comfortably into the bed too.
Follow these steps to accurately measure your dog.
Step 1
Measure your dog. Make sure you measure from the tip of his nose to the base area of the tail. This is how much of the dog that needs to fit into the bed.
Step 2
Watch your dog’s sleeping style. Do they sprawl out? Curl up? This will help you choose the size and style of your bed.
Step 3
Take a look at your dog’s measurement and add between 6 and 12 inches to it. This is the size of bed you need to be looking for.
This can be surprising to many pet owners as people often underestimate the size of bed a dog needs.
Choose Your Dog Bed
Now you know a bit more, select from the following options which bed is best for your dog.
Small Dogs
Perfect dog beds for our small companions.
Medium Dogs
Our larger furry friends need a bit more room!
Large Dogs
The biggest of all will need some serious space.